Surveys the major principles of psychology. Introduces the history of psychology, human development, personality, abnormal behavior, social psychology, feelings and emotions, research methodologies, experimental psychology, psycho physiology, learning and memory, altered states of awareness, sleep and dreams, and industrial and organizational psychology.

Morality is universal. Secular as well as religious segments of any society claim to be moral in their thought and deeds. What may however influence certain norms , even though universal, may be the cultural practices. So should we believe those who claim that morality is universal, or those who promote and support the principle of Relativism.  and technology are moving so fast that no one can keep pace with their speed. Medical profession is no exception. This time honoured profession has seen many changes in recent times. These are the days of market economy and managed health care. Every human being is faced with new challenges posed by technology. Many moral issues have cropped up in our daily lives. For instance the practice of organ donation. We know that nearly every body agrees with the concept but should the state hold the card of consent to harvest the organs through ' an opting out' process'? Should the stem cell research be employed without checks and balances, even though for a good cause such as the regeneration of tissues and organs? And should states sponsor and carry out human cloning ? Should the mega rich pharmaceutical industry be allowed to carry out the drug trials on human volunteers through a surrogate consent or pretension of serving the poor by supplying medicine to those who may otherwise have none ? 
What can this course do for you.
It can help you understand the principles and practices of bioethics in the contemporary world. It may not be able to answer all the questions or solve each and every puzzle, but it should provide you a scaffolding to build your philosophical structure upon. It should also teach you many aspects of educational strategies that you may know but not fully understand such as Pedagogy or Andragogy ; or indeed the conceptual theories of learning etc. Bloom's taxonomy is the founding pillar of modern education . We will teach you on those principles and hone your skills based upon the triangle of Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. We will help you develop the habit of data collection, critical thinking,  analysis, synthesis , and problem solving.
it is sincerely hoped that you will benefit with the teachings of our seasoned international faculty , but even more through self study and interaction with the global participants who would be your peers. You may indeed come to make new friends from different cultures and different backgrounds who may think like you , or diagonally differ from your concepts inviting you to indulge in the ageless cerebral exercise of debate and discussion to solve the conundrums. 
This certificate course would , at best teach you the nuances of moral philosophy and applied bioethics ; and at the least introduce you to the fascinating maze of morality and its slippery slopes.